Article: Manufacturer-related product qualification (HPQ)
Certain products and manufacturing processes must meet established quality, safety and reliability requirements. Manufacturer-related product qualification (HPQ) verifies, among other things, that only manufacturers that meet these requirements supply Deutsche Bahn AG (directly or indirectly). The relevant specifications are specified in lists of products subject to quality inspection (LgP), Deutsche Bahn standards (DBS), drawings, specifications or technical bulletins.
Order data sheet and documents supporting the request
Infrastructure QA order data sheet
Please be sure to use Acrobat Reader, which is free, to fill out the HPQ order data sheet. Other PDF programs are not reliable when it comes to filling out and sending the form.
HPQ DBS 918 002_2
HPQ DBS 918 005
Information sheet on manufacturer-related product qualification according to DBS 918005 (Status 02-2017)
Application documents for manufacturer-related product qualification according to DBS 918005 (Status 02-2017)
Quality management plan for steel structures and components within the scope of the DBS 918005,EXC3DB (Status 02-2017)
Mandatory to implement since 01.06.2017!
HPQ DBS 918 007
HPQ Superstructure material
Quality assurance through Manufacturer-related Product Qualification
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