Sustainable values

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  • Taking responsibility

    Sustainable values

    How sustainability shapes our supplier relationships

    Deutsche Bahn AG is committed to corporate social responsibility through its Strong Rail strategy.  Within the framework of applicable legislation, we comply with human rights and environmental due diligence requirements in our business operations. We expect the same not only from our business partners but also from indirect suppliers to enable a strong and fair partnership built on trust. In addition, Procurement at Deutsche Bahn AG supports the Group's sustainability goals by adding value in the four action fields of climate protection, resource protection, nature conservation, and noise control. We take a circular approach.  This means sustainability is a key value driver for DB's procurement and a strategic competitive factor. Sustainability criteria are increasingly influencing our supplier relationships and procurement decisions, and our suppliers are making an important contribution to implementing Strong Rail.

    Market exploration for sustainable seats in DB rail vehicles

    Are you a manufacturer or processor of seats or seat parts? Are you a supplier of raw materials, materials or other components in the seat value chain? Your innovative ideas and approaches in the context of sustainability are of great importance to us in making travel with DB even more sustainable.

    Find out more

    Copyright: Deutsche Bahn AG / Oliver Lang

    Transparent standards: Our Code of Conduct for Business Partners

    We need strong partners in transparent supply chains to help us make the greatest possible contribution to sustainable mobility development. With their sustainability efforts and innovative drive, our suppliers play an active role in our joint business success.g.

    Our Code of Conduct for Business Partners serves as the starting point for sustainable supply chain design and concrete procurement decisions.

    It is the basis for all new contracts. We regularly review compliance with the Code as part of on-site audits. We also offer an e-learning course  for all our business partners and other stakeholders. Here, we explain the key requirements and principles for working with the DB Group, including compliance with ethical standards, in a concise and descriptive form.  

    View the DB code of conduct


    The German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains

    The German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains (LkSG) protects human rights and the environment, increases transparency in global supply chains and ensures fair competition. As one of the world's leading logistics and mobility companies, Deutsche Bahn AG is committed to a responsible and sustainable value creation along the supply chain.

    Find out more about our commitment to people and the environment and what we expect from our suppliers.

    Thinking ahead: Sustainability assessment of suppliers

    Another building block is a comprehensive sustainability assessment of suppliers. The assessment relies on the international sustainability standards of the United Nations, OECD and ISO.  The method uses tiered industry-specific questionnaires to assess guidelines, action programs and results. The potential for improvement this identifies can then be implemented, and implementation can be tracked and supported by us for supplier development purposes. This allows us to work together to reduce risks and increase our contribution to sustainable development along the supply chain.

    Find out more.


    Achieving more together

    We cooperate with the partners of the Railsponsible rail initiative to shape and improve sustainable supply chains in the rail transport sector.  The initiative for responsible procurement management focuses on climate protection and the safeguarding of minimum social standards in supply chains. What we expect from our suppliers and interface partners:

    • Compliance with DB's basic requirements from the Code of Conduct for Business Partners
    • Review of business processes through an independent sustainability assessment (EcoVadis or equivalent)
    • Greater buy-in for environmental and social criteria in contract awards
    • Consideration of becoming a member of Railsponsible
    • Support for the development of an integrated industry solution for sustainability.

    More about Railsponsible

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