Article: The German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains (LkSG)
The German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains (LkSG) protects human rights and the environment, increases transparency in global supply chains and ensures fair competition. As one of the world's leading logistics and mobility companies, Deutsche Bahn AG is committed to a responsible and sustainable value creation along the supply chain.
The German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains came into force on January 1, 2023. The due diligence requirements strengthen human rights and environmental protection, increase transparency in supply chains, and ensure fair competition. In our policy statement, we express our commitment and dedication to respecting human rights and environmental responsibilities.
We at the Procurement unit of Deutsche Bahn AG rigorously implement legal requirements.
Deutsche Bahn AG will not tolerate its suppliers violating human rights and labor standards (as defined in the LkSG) in any of the following ways:
- Child labor, especially the worst forms of child labor
- Forced labor
- Slavery
- Violation of applicable occupational health and safety provisions
- Violation of the freedom of association
- Discrimination/unequal treatment
- Withholding a fair wage
- Causing pollution of water, soil, or air, harmful noise emissions, or excessive water use that adversely affects living conditions
- Unlawful eviction or deprivation of land
- Abusive use of private or public security forces.
Furthermore, Deutsche Bahn AG suppliers must comply with the following environmental standards:
- Minamata Convention on Mercury
- Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
- Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal
Sustainability requirements in the supply chain
Compliance with the law is a top priority for Deutsche Bahn AG. Our business activities comply with human rights and environmental due diligence requirements. We expect the same from our business partners and their suppliers. The DB Procurement Policy is part of our procurement strategy and reflects the principles of the Procurement unit at Deutsche Bahn AG. We Our business relations with suppliers are compliant with the DB Code of Conduct for Business Partners and the principles of ethical and responsible treatment of people and the environment along the supply chain that the Code outlines
Risk management
We aim to constantly improve our risk management processes to identify human rights and environmental risks at an early stage, minimize them and prevent or end possible violations. We use appropriate preventive measures to guard against human rights and environmental risks in our own business operations or those of our suppliers. We expect our business partners to be as determined as we are in countering any infringements.
Complaints procedure
Our complaints procedure is a core element of becoming aware of potential human rights and environmental issues. Any person who is affected by or has knowledge of human rights violations or negative impacts on the environment in the business operations of Deutsche Bahn AG or in its supply chain may report them. We counteract infringements using appropriate corrective measures. Complaints can be submitted online using the form below:
Click here for the electronic whistleblowing system BKMS
Complaints may also be mailed to:
Deutsche Bahn AG
Nachhaltigkeit und Umwelt LkSG-Beschwerdeverfahren Potsdamer Straße 8 10785 Berlin, GermanyIf you have any further questions about the complaint procedure within Deutsche Bahn AG, please consult our Rules of Procedure for the Complaints Procedure.