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  • Teaserbild - Infrastruktur_neu
    Copyright: DB AG / Arnim Kilgus

    The journey is the reward


The "Infrastructure" product area is all about partnership-based collaboration for successful rail infrastructure between the DB Group, the construction and equipment industry, and third parties. This solution-oriented, respectful way of working creates a successful basis for tomorrow's mobility. Our focus is on all services that can be assigned to the following technology areas.

Some of the services listed above require prequalification and/or quality assurance measures. More detailed information can be found below.

Would you like to become a supplier for infrastrucure?

Registering in our supplier management system SMaRT is the first step in establishing a straightforward, transparent collaboration. The SMaRT tool will ask for information about your company and the commodity groups your services fall under. Once you've registered, you will be able to see documents in SMaRT that we provide only to registered suppliers.

Go to registration

Copyright: GettyImages / Inside Creative House

Good to know

Here you will find important additional information that may be relevant to you in the "Infrastructure" product area.

Prequalification (PQ)

In order to enter into a contractual relationship with us for many of the above services, prequalification (PQ) is required. More detailed information about requesting PQ is available here.

Customer service procurement

For questions regarding SMaRT and supplier management

For questions on the subject of the bidder portal, tenders and placings

For questions on the subject of the AI portal

Consultation hour for suppliers in the sector of infrastructure

Find out about the onboarding process and ask your questions!

The consultation hour fpr suppliers in the sector of infrastructure takes place every last Wednesday of the month from 11:00 to 12:00. You can register for the consultation using the following form.

Consultation hour for suppliers

Do you have feedback on our new website? Please let us know what you like or what we can improve.