Our values

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  • Lasting responsibility

    Working together transparently

    Our values

    As a company in the public spotlight, we are aware of our special responsibility. In addition to our own actions, this also applies to the activities of our business partners. Our DB Code of Conduct transparently sets out binding ethical and legal standards for everyone involved.

    Clear and simple: the DB Code of Conduct

    Our Code of Conduct is based, among other things, on the principles of the UN Global Compact and builds on the same principles that we have defined in the code of ethics for our own managers and employees. With regard to our suppliers, we also attach particular importance to compliance with antitrust law. The DB Code of Conduct and further information can be found on the compliance pages for business partners.

    Find out more


    Sustainable self-conception: the DB procurement policy

    The DB Procurement Policy reflects the principles of DB Procurement. The target group includes and anchors the long-term intentions, strategic goals and values of DB Procurement for all (potential) suppliers and for DB employees. The content has been approved by the Procurement Management Team and is in force.

    DB Procurement Policy download

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    Customer Service Procurement: Contact us.

    For questions regarding SMaRT and supplier management

    For questions on the subject of the bidder portal, tenders and placings

    For questions on the subject of the AI portal

    Do you have feedback on our new website? Please let us know what you like or what we can improve.

    You have evidence of white-collar crime or reports relating to human rights violations or environmental damage