Supplier-related quality assurance

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Article: Supplier-related quality assurance

We need to determine suppliers' quality capability before they can deliver safety-critical products to us. This assessment includes a detailed assessment of opportunities and risks and development of measures before and during order processing to minimize risks for both parties. It also includes a performance forecast, which can be supplemented with capacity assessments.

How audits of new and existing suppliers work

We use questionnaires for audits. As a registered supplier, you can download them in German and English from our SMaRT supplier management system here .

Our auditors customize the questionnaires for your company. Providing us with your current IRIS audit reports may reduce the number of questions on the questionnaires.

Additional qualifications may be required for welding and adhesive bonding depending on the job. Information about these additional qualifications is provided below. 

Manufacturer-related product qualification (HPQ) for specific manufacturing processes

Do you manufacture safety-critical rail vehicle parts that are subject to HPQ and want to supply them directly or indirectly (first-tier supplier or similar) to Deutsche Bahn AG? Then you need manufacturer-related product qualification, which we frequently refer to by its German acronym, HPQ. Information about the content, implementation and scope of HPQ is provided in the   HPQ Information Sheet.

Please use one of the three applications below depending on the product you are offering:

You can send the completed application by e-mail to -  we will then send you an offer.

For more information, please see our HPQ information sheet. DThe HPQ audit specification is available here.

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Special, job-based qualifications for welding

Are you a manufacturer or supplier of welded parts for rail vehicles and would like to supply them to Deutsche Bahn AG directly or indirectly (e.g. via a first-tier supplier)? Or would you like to provide welding maintenance services for Deutsche Bahn AG?

One of the essential prerequisites is welding design review and manufacturing validation (STBP) part 1 and part 2.

All information about the framework as well as contact details for questions can be found in the following documents:

Leaflet requirements for welding repair (in German)

Terms of reference for welded rail vehicle parts (in German)

List of manufacturing locations for welded components and parts (in German)

Leaflet on requirements for welded rail stock and rail stock parts

Leaflet Conducting welding tests in accordance with DVS 1617 and 1620 at Deutsche Bahn AG

Terms of reference for welding repair (in German)

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Special, job-based qualifications for adhesive bonding

Are you a manufacturer or supplier of rail vehicle parts with bonded joints within the meaning of DIN 6700 or of rail vehicle parts that are intended for bonding in accordance with DIN 6700, and would you like to supply them to Deutsche Bahn AG directly or indirectly (e.g. through a first-tier supplier)? Or would you like to provide maintenance services involving adhesive bonding for Deutsche Bahn AG?

Testing of adhesive-bonded structures, which consists of adhesive bonding design review (KKP) and adhesive bonding manufacturing validation (KFP), is one of the essential prerequisites that must be met first.

All information about the framework as well as contact details for questions can be found in the following documents:

Leaflet Requirements for adhesive repair (in German)

Performance specification for rolling stock spare parts with bonded joints (in German)

Leaflet Requirements for bonding in rail vehicle construction (in German)

Leaflet adhesive bonding design review and manufacturing validation (Edition 04.2023) (in German)

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Quality-dependent in-process inspection at vehicle parts suppliers

Quality-dependent inspection is a tool used by DB AG for certain safety-relevant rail vehicle parts. It is performed at your premises, as a supplier. Which rail vehicle parts require inspection depends on the contract with you.

Prior to delivery of these parts, DB AG quality inspection engineers will conduct a product inspection and an inspection of your related manufacturing processes. If the inspections are passed, delivery will be approved for these parts for a specific period of time.

You can find all manufacturing and inspection information here.

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How to order QA services

Quality assurance measures that have not already been arranged with you in the supply contract (e.g. first article inspection or welding design review and manufacturing validation) must be ordered from us. Please use the QSL-order form (QSL = quality assurance services), which needs to be downloaded and opened in Adobe Reader. Please see the instructions and the relevant contract terms, which are located in the supplementary contractual terms of DB AG and its affiliated companies for quality assurance in procurement.

Please e-mail your order to: