Article: Supplier-related quality assurance
We need to determine suppliers' quality capability before they can deliver safety-critical products to us. This assessment includes a detailed assessment of opportunities and risks and development of measures before and during order processing to minimize risks for both parties. It also includes a performance forecast, which can be supplemented with capacity assessments.
How audits of new and existing suppliers work

We use questionnaires for audits. As a registered supplier, you can download them in German and English from our SMaRT supplier management system here .
Our auditors customize the questionnaires for your company. Providing us with your current IRIS audit reports may reduce the number of questions on the questionnaires.
Additional qualifications may be required for welding and adhesive bonding depending on the job. Information about these additional qualifications is provided below.
How to order QA services

Quality assurance measures that have not already been arranged with you in the supply contract (e.g. first article inspection or welding design review and manufacturing validation) must be ordered from us. Please use the QSL-order form (QSL = quality assurance services), which needs to be downloaded and opened in Adobe Reader. Please see the instructions and the relevant contract terms, which are located in the supplementary contractual terms of DB AG and its affiliated companies for quality assurance in procurement.
Please e-mail your order to: