In-process product quality assurance for rail vehicles

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Article: In-process product quality assurance for rail vehicles

Would you like to manufacture rail vehicles for DB AG? Once we have signed a contract, we first conduct quality engineering followed by quality-dependent in-process inspection.

Quality Engineering

Quality engineering is an important component of quality assurance for us as the client. Our methods are based on the   VDB guidelines. The following aspects of quality engineering are part of the supply contract we signed with you. Therefore, they cannot be ordered separately.

Quality-dependent in-process inspection

Quality-dependent in-process inspection includes checks to test specified stopping and signaling points and variable, process-oriented inspections as part of in-process inspection for the entire production process. Qualified DB AG test engineers carry out, document and monitor the inspection results at your premises. These measures are also contractually arranged with you.

These quality engineering components are part of your supply contract

Development support

Our development support ensures that operational experience and rail-specific interface knowledge are incorporated at an early stage in the development of your project.

A joint review process, software development support and type testing are essential tools in this process. The intensity of development support is generally based on the degree of maturity of the product and its components, which we will determine using the maturity level model we developed with the VDB and Round Table Rail (RTR, an initiative of vehicle and component manufacturers and European rail companies).

Design Review

The design review process assesses all essential aspects of the main technical concepts based on the key requirements of the specifications and the relevant standards/TSI. The process has three to five stages, from assessing the high-level design to the final design, and aims to create a functional specification coordinated with both parties.

Type tests

We conduct type tests at the component and system level to ensure that the results of technical development and designs that were created during design review are in compliance before production begins.

If type test results from previous projects and tests are already available, they can be recognized if product conformity is confirmed to avoid unnecessary expenses for new tests.

Software development

We provide support during vehicle software development and testing to ensure that everything happens on schedule and meets quality standards. Our first step is to consult with you on the software release and development plan you developed and on planned quality assurance measures.Over the course of the project, we regularly monitor the progress of software development and the implementation and effectiveness of the quality assurance measures.

Quality gates

If you supply rail vehicles to us, we will usually set up a project. Quality gates are important synchronization points during these projects when the progress is measured and evaluated by a specific group of participants based on criteria set in advance. This allows you and us to identify risks in time and take countermeasures. Quality gates are an essential tool for us to ensure projects are successful. Quality gates are designed in accordance with the project requirements and arranged with you in the contract. Our staff will help you use them.

First article inspection

DB AG expects suppliers of certain safety-critical rail vehicle parts to carry out first article inspections (FAI, "EMP" in German). Which rail vehicle parts require this depends on the specific contract. FAI is usually performed on the first product manufactured under series conditions. It is intended to demonstrate that the quality requirements set out in drawings, specifications and purchase orders are being fulfilled. You inspect the first articles you produce, proving to us that you have mastered the production and inspection processes.

Acceptance testing

the requirement set out in the contract. Testing can include various components, for example, to determine that the vehicle documentation and vehicle functioning comply with contractual requirements. We use the VDB's list of defects as a guide when conducting acceptance testing..

How to order QA services

Quality assurance measures that have not already been arranged with you in the supply contract (e.g. first article inspection or welding design review and manufacturing validation) must be ordered from us. Please use the QSL-order form (QSL = quality assurance services), which needs to be downloaded and opened in Adobe Reader. Please see the instructions and the relevant contract terms, which are located in the supplementary contractual terms of DB AG and its affiliated companies for quality assurance in procurement.

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