Rolling stock and parts

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    Copyright: DB AG / Volker Emersleben

    Keeping things rolling

Rolling stock and parts

The rolling stock and rolling stock parts product area focuses on the procurement of rail vehicles and parts and the associated conversion and repair services. This includes all vehicles in regional, long-distance, and freight transport, as well as special vehicles and the corresponding modernization and repair services – ensuring that the mobility solutions of the future stand the test of time. We also handle the leasing of all rail vehicles for the DB Group.

Would you like to become a supplier for rolling stock and parts?

Registering in our supplier management system SMaRT is the first step in establishing a straightforward, transparent collaboration. The SMaRT tool will ask for information about your company and the commodity groups your services fall under. Once you've registered, you will be able to see documents in SMaRT that we provide only to registered suppliers.

Go to registration

Teaserbild - SMaRT durchstarten
Teaserbild - SMaRT durchstarten

Customer Service Procurement: Contact us.

For questions regarding SMaRT and supplier management

For questions on the subject of the bidder portal, tenders and placings

For questions on the subject of the AI portal

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You have evidence of white-collar crime or reports relating to human rights violations or environmental damage